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摘要我们绝不燃起战火 让我们来一起学唱复联卡司之歌《We didnt start the fire》: 托尼·斯塔克是钢铁侠Tony Stark, Iron man.尼克·弗瑞有计划Nick fury has a plan.大老板是小辣椒Big shot, Pepper Potts.还有...


让我们来一起学唱复联卡司之歌《We didn't start the fire》: 托尼·斯塔克是钢铁侠Tony Stark, Iron man.尼克·弗瑞有计划Nick fury has a plan.大老板是小辣椒Big shot, Pepper Potts.还有方舟反应堆Arc reactor core.阿斯加德在战斗Asgard is in war.洛基和他的哥哥托尔Loki and his brother Thor.布鲁斯·班纳  辐射变身成浩克Bruce Banner, radiation, transformation, ROAR!寇森和玛丽亚·希尔Coulson, Maria Hill都是神盾局特工They are the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..克林顿·巴顿是鹰眼Clint Barton, Hawkeye黑寡妇是俄国间谍Black widow, Russian spy.罗杰斯队长诞生于二战Captain Rogers, World War II.巴基  佩吉  我爱你Bucky, Peggy, I love you!复仇者先锋冲冲冲!First Avengers here we go!所有人快来集结!Everyone Assemble!不是我们燃起战火We didn't start the fire.是地球运行以来  战火一直在燃烧It was always burning since the world's been turning.我们绝不燃起战火We didn't start the fire.我们不点燃它  还要熄灭它No, we didn't light it but we try to fight it.奥巴代亚  布朗斯基Obadiah, Blonsky,鞭索  劳菲Whiplash, Laufey红骷髅  九头蛇Red Skull, Hydra,阿尼姆·佐拉  洛基Arnim Zola, Loki为人类而战Battle for humanity.无限宝石:Stones of infinity:空间  时间  灵魂  心灵  能力和现实Space, Time, Soul, Mind, Power and Reality.战争机器  猎鹰兜兜风War machine, Falcon spins,巴基·巴恩斯再回归Bucky Barnes is back again.星爵还有卡魔拉Star lord, Gamora too德拉克斯和火箭Drax, Rocket,还有我格鲁特I am Groot.幻视  螳螂  星云Vision, Mantis, Nebula.索科威亚战奥创Ultron in Sokovia.蚁人打内战Civil War, Ant-Man.绯红女巫和蜘蛛侠Scarlet Witch and Spider-Man奇异博士  诸神黄昏Doctor Strange, Ragnarok.汉克  珍妮特和黄蜂女Hank, Janet, and the Wasp.瓦坎达的黑豹  Black Panther in Wakanda, 苏睿  奥克耶  杀人魔头Shuri, Okoye Killmonger.惊奇队长和咕咕猫Captain Marvel, Goose, the cat飞得更高  更远  更快Flying higher, further, faster.灭霸发动无限战争Thanos and Infinity War.我招架不住啦!I can't take it anymore!不是我们燃起战火We didn't start the fire.是地球运行以来  战火一直在燃烧It was always burning since the world's been turning.我们绝不燃起战火We didn't start the fire.但只要我们离开But when we're gone战火仍会熊熊燃烧——燃烧——燃烧——it would still go on and on--and on--and on...我们绝不燃起战火We didn't start the fire.

